Climex & Dymex Suite软件新版本试用申请

Climex软件能够通过模拟生物种群在已知分布地的生长情况,确定生物种群生长模型参数;利用生物种群生长模型参数分析生物种群在未知分布地点的生长情况,再从生物对环境条件的反应出发,建立生物在条件下的适生模型,由此预测生物种群在该地的潜在的适生区分布。—摘自 《河北省美国白娥预测预警体系研究》,作者 李淑贤。


目前,软件新的版本为 4.0.2,您可以联系网站客服申请14天的试用,请告知客服您的操作系统详情,以便获取该软件的新版本试用程序。


The minimum requirements to run CLIMEX V4 are:

32 bit Windows Vista

-2 Gb memory

-3 Gb of disk space 

CLIMEX predicts the effect of climate change on species distribution, using simulation and modeling techniques. CLIMEX attempts to mimic the biological mechanisms that limit species' geographical distribution and determine their seasonal phenology and relative abundance.

DYMEX is a modular modelling package that allows the user to develop and run deterministic population models of biological organisms rapidly. These population models are structured around species' lifecycles, which in turn consist of the growth stages that individuals pass through during their life.


2017-09-08 10:59
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