统计分析软件NCSS 2021的新增功能?

NCSS 2021已发布,这是统计分析和图形软件的新版本。对于NCSS 2021中新的组顺序分析程序,PASS 2021中有相应的组顺序功能和样本大小程序。


NCSS 2021中的新程序


Violin Plots

Violin Plots

Violin Plots(2 Factors)


Violin Plot Example

Group-Sequential Tests(Efficacy/Futility Boundary Options, Sample Size Re-estimation)

For each of this group-sequential analysis and sample-size re-estimation procedures, these are corresponding group-sequential power and sample size procedures in PASS 2021.


Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance

Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance

Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority T-Tests for One Mean

Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin T-Tests for One Mean


Group-Sequential Analysis for One Proportion

Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Proportion

Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Prportion


Group-Sequential Analysis Input Example



Group-Sequential Analysis Output Example



Sample Size Re-Estimation Output Example



NCSS 2021中新的或改进的程序


These procedures have been updated to improve functionality and flexibility.


Random Seed

For all procedures that utilize random number generation, a Random Seed option was added, to obtain output reproducibility.


Line Charts Added to Several Procedures

For each of these procedures, the option to produce line charts was added.


Frequency Tables

Contingency Tables

Descriptive Statistics-Summary Tables

Descriptive Statistics-Summary Lists

Cochran's Q

Two Proportions

Two Proportions-Non-Inferiority Tests

Two Proportions-Superiority by a Margin Tests

Two Proportions-Two-Sided Tests vs. a Margin

Two Proportions-Equivalence Tests

Two Correlated Proportions(McNemar Test)

Two Correlated Proportions-Superiority by a Margin Tests

Two Correlated Proportions-Equivalence Tests

Two Correlated Proportions-Non-Inferiority Tests

Compare Appraisal

Cluster Randomization-Create Cluster Means Dataset

Cluster Randomization-Create Cluster Proportions Dataset

Cluster Randomization-Create Cluster Rates Dataset


Line Chart Example



Label Sorting and Improved Data Orientation Options

The ability to order the labels was added, as well as an improved data orientation option, for the following procedures.

4 Bar Charts procedure

4 Line Charts procedures

Pie Charts


Overall Regression Line

The ability to add an overall regression line was added to the following procedures.

Scatter Plots

Scatter Plots with Error Bars

Bland-Altman Plots


Overall Regression Line Example



Residual Normality Tests

The following Normality tests of the residuals were added to the One-Way ANOVA procedure.




Exact Binomial McNemar Test

The Exact Binomial McNemar Test was added to the Two Correlated Proportions(McNemar Test)procedure.


Machine Zero in Mixed Models Procedures

The Mixed Models procedures were updated to allow the local setting of the machine zero so that the local machine zero can override the global machine zero. This allows local control of the machine zero when attempting to obtain model convergence.



Variable Lable and Value Labels

A much-improved system for the use of variable labels and value labels was implemented system-wide.


Report Auto-sizing

A program-wide auto-sizing of report columns was integrated, giving improved column spacing in reports.


Output Example(Before)



Output Example(After)


Group By System

The new Group By system allows any analysis to be run independently for each value of the designated Group By column(s).

Group By System Setup Example



Group By System Result Example

With the Group By system active, a separate run is made for each level of Iris.



Data Fill Tool

The Data Fill tool was updated to save the current settings when the windows is closed.


Windows Access Improvements

Improved access to various controls is given for the following scenarios

Filter and Group By controls were added to the Procedures Window

Report Options Dropdown was added to the Procedure Windows toolbar

Filter Dropdown was added to the Procedure Window toolbar

Group By Dropdown was added to the Procedure Window toolbar

Transformation Dropdown was added to the Data Windows toolbar

Output/Gallery Window menu and toolbar were updated


Window Loading Time

Some optimization techniques were employed to improve the loading time of various windows.



NCSS 2021在32位和64位操作系统上与Windows 10,8.1,8,7和Vista SP2兼容。






2021-02-03 07:22
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