ZondIP1d - 一维电阻率 (激电)测深正反演与解释
· Zond软件包之一维电阻率与诱导极化垂直电测深数据解释软件ZondIP1D介绍
ZondIP1D 是一款用于一维电阻率和感应极化垂直电探数据解释的软件,特别适用于考虑频率的电磁勘探。该程序基于垂直电探测(VES)方法,VES 是古老的电勘探技术之一,应用于 20 世纪初期。VES 方法的简单性和有效性使其得到了广泛的应用和持续发展,现在仍是常用的电磁勘探技术之一。现代的电层析成像技术等许多先进方法,都是基于 VES 原理发展而来的。
1. 用户友好的界面
2. 多站点解释
-提供了特殊的窗口算法,用于对每个曲线段进行 P 效应减少。
-支持多线模式的区域 XY 测量,允许具有任意方向的电极阵列。
3. 电极配置与数据导入
-支持任意电极阵列的组合,包含传统阵列(如 Schlumberger、Wenner、Dipole-dipole axial)及混合系统,能够灵活应对不同的勘探需求。
-电极配置可以是同一 线上的排列,或是任意平面配置。
-支持导入常见的勘探软件格式,如 IPI2WIN、IX1D,方便与其他工具的数据兼容。
4. 数据反演与处理
-先验数据的利用:反演的质量很大程度上取决于先验数据。在 ZondIP1D 中,可以使用先验模型-作为参考,并设置测量数据的权重(误差门),限制不同层的参数。在自动反演开始前,已知的参数值可以被固定,以便优化反演结果。
5. 数据可视化与分析
6. 数据输出与报告
-支持将结果导出为多种格式,如位图、矢量图、Excel、Surfer、AutoCAD 等,方便与其他软件兼容或进行进一步的分析。
- 无限探测与间距数量:支持无限数量的电探测数据点和不同的测量间距。
- 支持区域与水下勘探:适用于常规的陆地勘探,也支持水上和水下的勘测工作。
- 感应极化探测(IP):内置感应极化探测功能,能够深入分析地下物质的电磁特性。
- 低感应测深(VMD):支持低感应测深技术,特别适用于高频率(0-100kHz)范围内的电流分析。
- 1.5D 反演程序:针对剖面数据的特殊 1.5D 反演程序,进一步增强了反演结果的准确性。
- 支持自定义电极阵列配置和多站点数据
- 可导入多种主流勘探软件数据
- 位图、矢量图、Excel、Surfer、AutoCAD 等格式
- 支持导出图像时设置比例,确保图像精度
ZondIP1D 被广泛应用于:
- 地质勘探:深入地下研究,帮助识别地下水、矿藏和其他资源。
- 环境调查:评估地下污染或进行土壤与水资源管理。
- 建筑与工程:提供建筑施工的地质基础数据,助力工程项目的风险评估和设计。
Zondip1d program is designed for one-dimensional resistivity and induced polarization vertical electrosounding data interpretation (with taking account frequency).
A method of the vertical electrosounding (VES) is one of the oldest methods of electric prospecting. The first applications of method were in 20th years of century. Comparative simplicity and evidence of VES resulted in its wide distribution and development in the whole world. Nowadays vertical electric sounding remains one of the most applied electromagnetic methods. Other modern technologies are developed on the basis of VES – for example, electrical tomography, based on the same principles that for «classic» electric soundings.
One of the basic requirements to application of geophysical methods is a contrast in physical properties of study object For resistivity methods (including VES) it means that the studied object must be contrast in electric resistivity from host rocks [MSU, 2007].
Comfortable interface and wide possibilities of data presentation allow to solve given geological problem with maximum effectiveness. While developing software special attention was payed to comfort and simplicity of its use, variety of visualization features and account of a priori data.
Depending on the interpreter’s choice, software gives different variants of data interpretation algorithms. Comfortable control system allows to choose from the great number of equivalents results that will appear to be the best in geophysical and geological point of view. Conception of multi-station interpretation is basis of the ZondIP1D software. Consequently, profile line data is considered as a reflection of geological section. It’s mean that multi-station data of profile line is whole, and not set of separated curves. Special windowed algorithms developed for interpretation of profile line data are provided in the software with every curve segment P-effect’s reduction. But most software features can be used also during work with the separated points of VES.
Conception of multi-station interpretation is basis of the ZondIP1D software. Consequently, profile line data is considered as a reflection of geological section. It’s mean that multi-station data of profile line is whole, and not set of separated curves. Special windowed algorithms developed for interpretation of profile line data are provided in the software with every curve segment P-effect’s reduction. But most software features can be used also during work with the separated points of VES. You can use areal XY survey with arbitrary lines orientation in multi-line mode.
Zondip1d allows to work with any type of the electrodes array or their combinations. Program supports both the traditional arrays (Schlumberger, Wenner or Dipole-dipole axial) and the most exotic, with an arbitrary orientation of electrodes and mixed systems, with taking account of frequency. Electrodes (source and measuring) can be located on one line or in arbitrary configuration on the plane. Data can be imported into the program in the formats of the most popular programs such as Ipi2win, IX1D.
As the basic task of the program is inversion of geoelectric section parameters – few variants of inverse problem are realized in ZondIP1D, basic of them are: smoothed inversion – to get smooth, and focusing – to get the piece-smooth distributing of geoelectric parameters vs depth. Because of equivalence of inverse geophysical problems, quality of the obtained results strongly depends on the amount of used a priori data. In Zondip1d there is possibility of weight setting (Error gates) for measurements, fixing and limiting of different layers parameters, using of a priori model as reference in inversion. If the values of some section parameters are known exactly (a priori or on interpretation results), their fixing is possible before the beginning of automatic interpretation. The fixed parameters do not change during the process of inversion. Fixing of parameters is the method for hard regularization of inversion process. The robust schemas of noise estimation are realized in the program.
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