ZondTEM1D 是地球物探分析软件Zond的模块之一,是一款一维瞬变电磁测深软件。
TEM探测 - 时域电勘探方法,该方法基于研究在尖锐电流关闭时在到点部分中产生的涡流(瞬变)的场
ZondTEM1D允许与类型的TEM采集系统或其组合一起使用。该程序作为传统系统(重合循环,循环中,固定循环),以及具有任意方向的系统。源和接收器的几何形状在平面上可以不同。可以使用电磁场/其时间导数。可以将诸如IX1D(TEM,USF),TEM-FAST,Amria,Geonics,Emma软件,ERA或Podbor等大多数流行格式的数据加载到该软件中。由于该程序的基本任务是地断面参数的反演 - 在ZondTEM1D中设计了反问题的集中变体,它们的基本原理是:平滑反演 - 变得平滑,聚焦 - 以获得地电参数随深度的分段分布。由于地球物理反问题的等效性,所获得结果的质量在很大程度上取决于所使用的先验数据的数量。在ZondTEM1D中使用先验模型作为反演的参考,可以进行权重(误差门)以进行测量,确定和限制不同层的参数。如果某些断面参数的值是已知的(先验或解释结果),则可以在开始自动解释之前进行固定。固定参数在反演过程中不会改变。参数的固定是反演过程的硬正则化方法。在程序中实现了的噪声估计方案。
ZondTEM1D software is designed for one-dimensional multi-stations interpretation of Transient ElectroMagnetic(TEM) sounding for various observation systems [Line/Loop, Loop/Loop, Loop/Line, Line/Line ).
Comfortable interface and wide possibilities of data presentation allow to solve given geological problem with maximum effectiveness. While developing software special attention was payed to comfort and simplicity of its use, variety of visualization features and account of a priori data.
TEM sounding – the methods of time domain electroprospecting based on studying of field attenuation of vortical currents (transients) arising in electroconducting section at sharp curent off. The primary field is generated by transmission of rectangular impulses passing in not grounded loop or grounded line. At current off in the source, measured voltage in receiver not instantly fall to zero but decreases gradually. It is connected to, that at the moment of current off in conducting areas the secondary currents are induced. At the first moment of time it concentrated in near surface areas and then flow to more deep layers, fading with distance from the source. A physical basis of impulse electroprospecting application is contrast of electric conductivity and polarizability of rocks and ores in natural stratification. Depth of penetration of the non-stationary electromagnetic field in the earth is defined by time. Transients are studied at the moment of current off by induction receivers, usually loops or small multicoil receivers[Elgeo].
Depending on the interpreter’s choice, software gives different variants of data interpretation algorithms. Comfortable control system allows to choose from the great number of equivalents results that will appear to be the best in geophysical and geological point of view.
Conception of multi-station interpretation is basis of the ZondTEM1D software. Consequently, profile line data is considered as a reflection of geological section. It’s mean that multi-station data of profile line is whole, and not set of separated curves. Special windowed algorithms developed for interpretation of profile line data are provided in the software. But most software features can be used also during work with the separated points of TEM. Also You can use areal XY survey with arbitrary lines orientation in multi-line mode.
ZondTEM1D allows to work with any types of TEM acquisition systems or their combinations. The program supports as traditional systems(coincident loops, in loop, fixed loops, line-loop, loop-line, line-line), and the most exotic with arbitrary orientation. The geometry of sources and receivers can be various on the plane. Electromagnetic fields and/or their time’s derivatives can be used. Data in most popular formats , such as IX1D(TEM, USF), TEM-FAST, Amira, Geonics, Emma software, ERA or Podbor can be loaded into the software.
As the basic task of the program is inversion of geoelectric section parameters – few variants of inverse problem are realized inZondTEM1D, basic of them are: smoothed inversion – to get smooth, and focusing – to get the piece-smooth distributing of geoelectric parameters vs depth.
Because of equivalence of inverse geophysical problems, quality of the obtained results strongly depends on the amount of used a priori data. In ZondTEM1d there is possibility of weight setting(Error gates) for measurements, fixing and limiting of different layers parameters, using of a priori model as reference in inversion. If the values of some section parameters are known exactly (a priori or on interpretation results), their fixing is possible before the beginning of automatic interpretation. The fixed parameters do not change during the process of inversion. Fixing of parameters is the method for hard regularization of inversion process. The robust schemas of noise estimation are realized in the program.
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