ZondProtocol - 反演数据准备软件
ZondProtocol 是地球物探分析软件Zond的模块之一,是一款实用的ERT.协议、质量控制、反演数据准备软件(instruments MultiMax, COMx64, SGD-ETT, Omega, SysCal, ABEM,SCALA48/64)。
使用并与类型的仪器兼容,可直接在工作现场获得的结果。ZondProtocol允许工作以下测量类型:陆地ERT 2D,陆地ERT 3D,井眼ERT,水和水下ERT。根据操作员的技能,软件提供操作模式。
ZondProtocol represents ready solution for electrical tomography, and solves wide range of problems from protocol creating and field data processing to quality control and preparation data for inversion. The software provides support for the following instruments: SYSCAL, ABEM, COMMDD, ERA-MULTIMAX, TOMOZOND, OMEGA-48. Convenient interface and variety of data visualization features allow to solve wide range of geological problems with maximum effectiveness.
Simplicity of using and compatibility with various types of instruments, allows to get high-quality results directly at work site. ZondProtocol allows to works the following survey types: land ERT 2D, land ERT 3D, crosshole ERT, water and underwater ERT. Depending on the skill of the operator, software provides various modes of operation.
ZondProtocol allows you to create protocols of any complexity, combining any types of ERT electrodes array. Depending on the average resistivity of the rocks and the minimum response level, the system can chooses optimal parameters of electrodes array.
The software uses simple and clear data file format that allows you to combine different types of ERT survey. Well-known data formats are supported.ZondProtocol includes a variety of procedures for visualization and processing of induced polarization obtained in the time or frequency domain.
The software can be used for following tasks: protocol’s creating (automatic and interactive), process control measurements, loading data to/from instruments, visualization and analysis of measurement, quality control, data converting, import and export, preparation data for inversion.
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