form•Z RenderZone - 三维固体和表面建模的软件
RenderZone允许您基于 LightWorks® 渲染引擎创建逼真的渲染。它提供三个级别的渲染:简单、z 缓冲区和光线跟踪。用户可以从简单的级别开始开发 3D 模型的图像,然后逐渐打开功能并在逼真的级别进行渲染。
RenderZone还包括基于全局照明技术生成图像的能力,这种技术可以创建真实的渲染,因为场景的照明考虑了环境中光线的准确分布。在RenderZone 中,全局照明包括聚集、环境遮挡和光能传递技术,它们可以单独应用,也可以组合使用。
可以应用立方体和球形环境贴图、凹凸、包括 Alpha 通道支持、深度效果和后期处理效果的背景。模糊是后处理效果的一个示例,它模拟将您的相机聚焦到建模场景的特定区域。程序生成的天空背景接近您用相机拍摄的真实天空。
着色器用于渲染表面和其他效果。材质由多四层着色器定义,可产生颜色、反射、透明度和凹凸效果。着色器中的图案可以是预先捕获的图像,也可以由程序生成。可以在 z 缓冲区和光线跟踪级别应用透明度、反射和折射。反射和折射始终正确地进行光线跟踪,即使它们是由 z 缓冲区渲染产生的。这是通过应用混合渲染方法实现的,其中使用 z-buffer 渲染没有反射的表面,使用光线跟踪产生反射表面的渲染效果。
form ·Z 8.6 系统要求
内存:1 GB
推荐:4 GB+
* 请注意,复杂的模型或大型纹理贴图可能需要额外的内存。
Macintosh OS X:
配备 Intel 处理器的 Macintosh 计算机。
OS X 10.9.2 或更高版本。
• 请注意,建议使用新更新。
• 注意:El Capitan (OS X 10.11) 或更新版本需要 form·Z v8.5.0.2 或更新版本。
• 注意:Sierra (Mac OS 10.12) 需要 form·Z v8.5.6 或更新版本。
2 GB
推荐:5 GB+
* 请注意,复杂模型或大纹理贴图可能需要额外的硬盘空间。
Windows 7、Windows 8/8.1 或 Windows 10
* 请注意,建议使用新的服务包。
需要支持 OpenGL 3.2 或更高版本的视频卡。为获得很好的效果,建议使用低基准分数为 ~1500 的显卡,对于较大的文件,选择~3500 或更高。
RenderZone allows you to create photorealistic renderings based on the LightWorks® rendering engine. It offers three levels of rendering: simple, z-buffer, and raytrace. A user can start developing the image of a 3D model at the simple level and gradually turn on features and render it at the most photorealistic level.
RenderZone also includes the ability to produce images based on global illumination techniques, which create renderings with the most realism, as the illumination of a scene takes into account the accurate distribution of light in the environment. In RenderZone, global illumination includes final gather, ambient occlusion, and radiosity techniques, which can be applied separately or can be combined.
One or more lights can be used, which can be ambient, distant (sun), cone, point, projector, area, custom, line, environment, and atmospheric lights. Lights may appear to glow in images, simulating the reflection of lights off dust particles in the air. Environment and atmospheric lights are advanced lights, which are especially optimized for global illumination. Other light types produce soft (mapped) or hard (raytraced) shadows.
Cubic and spherical environment mapping, bumps, backgrounds that include alpha channel support, depth effects, and post processing effects can be applied. Blur is an example of a post processing effect that simulates focusing your camera to a particular area of your modeling scene. Sky backgrounds that are procedurally generated come close to real skies that you may have captured with your camera.
State of the art shaders are used to render surfaces and other effects. A Material is defined by up to four layers of shaders, which produce color, reflections, transparency, and bump effects. Patterns in shaders can be pre-captured images or can be produced by a procedure. Transparencies, reflections, and refractions can be applied at the z-buffer and raytrace levels. The reflections and refractions are always correctly raytraced, even when they are produced by the z-buffer rendering. This is achieved by applying a mixed rendering method, where surfaces with no reflections are rendered using z-buffer and the rendering effects of reflective surfaces are produced using raytracing.
Raytraced renderings can be accelerated by the use of multiple processors.
Also available is a sketch rendering mode that produces non photorealistic images, which appear as if they were drawn by manual rendering techniques, such as oil painting, water color, or pencil hatches.
Final Gather
Ambient Oclusion
Advanced Lights
Volumetric shadows
Material Libraries
Postprocessing Effects
Rendering Development
Sketch Render
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