Keypoint - Windows系统工具和软件
Keypoint is an easy-to-use Windows application for helping you carry out the complete survey process, without the need to employ specialist outside consultants. Within a very short time, Keypoint will enable you to produce high-quality, professional surveys.
Keypoint is an integrated application and it uses simple tools and techniques at each stage of the survey process, which means you learn how to use the program very quickly. A survey management facility lists and summarises your recent surveys and provides a simple way to create, rename, delete, browse or clone your surveys.
Keypoint allows you to create different versions of the same survey so that you can carry out paper-based, telephone (CATI), or personal interviewing (CAPI) surveys at the same time. Each survey can be created in minutes and presented to your audience quickly and accurately,then the Keypoint multiple forms facility can collate responses from a variety of formats into a single response database so that they can all be analysed together.
It is easy to create surveys using Keypoint’s page-based approach. Dragging questions and logos and placing them precisely on to the page means you can personalise your survey and give them a clear corporate identity, and by using Keypoint's built-in styles, you can quickly produce a consistent and professional design. Question Libraries and Lists allow you to save time by inserting commonly asked questions, standard answers and introductory and closing text.
Keypoint's extensive analysis tools let you sort and eva luate your data quickly to produce clear and succinct results. Routing and validation tools reduce the incidence of dirty data and help guarantee the quality of your survey data while the quick analysis and topline results wizards help you produce summary reports in just a few simple steps. Keypoint allows you to take a snap shot of your data for real time and ongoing analysis and an export option allows you to export data for use in other programs, including Excel worksheets.
By utilising Keypoint's sophisticated graphing and charting tools, you can produce a concise view of your survey data and impressive presentations. Extensive tools ensure that the editing of graphs and tables is easy, so you can guarantee the clarity of your presentation and special copy/paste functions can quickly and easily integrate your results into Word documents or PowerPoint presentations.
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