GenStat - 综合性统计软件
描述性统计, 试验设计,广义线性混合模型(GLMM),回归(线性,非线性,广义线性)
多变量分析,时间序列分析,过程控制, 生存分析, 空间分析和多重取样方法
- 表格处理和数据管理;
- 导入或导出Excel表格;
- 绘图:直方图、箱线图、散点图、线图、网格图 ,轮廓图和三维表面图;
- 汇总和比较数据的表格报表,分布拟合,和标准的检验,如t检验、卡方检验试验和各种非参数检验;
- 利用各种数学和统计方法进行数据转换; 线性,非线性回归,广义线性模型,广义加性模型,广义线性混合模型和分层广义线性模型;
- 试验分析,从一元方差分析到多元分析,灵活的定义误差和随机效应的方差协方差结构,从ANOVA到REML;
- 试验设计,包括样本大小,试验重复,效应预测;
- 多重变量分析,包括:典型变量分析 ,主成分分析,主坐标相关分析,相关分析,Partial least squares method,分类树,聚类分析;
- 调查分析包括分层和非结构化分析;
- 管制图,帕累托图,性能分析;
- 时间序列分析,Box-Jenkins模型或频谱分析;
- 重复测量数据分析, ANOVA, 或用ante dependence结构,时间序列相关模型;
- 空间分析,Kriging或spatial point processes模型;
- Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon
- 64 64 MB RAM
- 230 MB 硬盘安装空间
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7及更高版本
Genstat is a general statistics software for education and research. It is one of the earliest statistical systems and is one of the few to be developed outside North America. It has been developed since 1960 at Rothamsted Experimental Station for the experimental design and data analysis in agriculture. It is a very flexible and easy-to-use software that could be applied to any field of researches. It is built with the friendly user interface which contains of comprehensive menus to guide non-technical users to use statistics correctly and effectively. It also has a powerful programming language that can be used to develop new techniques and complicate experiments. Genstat provides full complementation of statistical procedures, data management, and graphical capabilities. It has powerful spreadsheet facilities for data storage and manipulation and an attractive graphics viewer that allows users to edit and interact with their plots.
Genstat provides a variety of descriptive statistics, tools for experimental design, generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), regression (linear, nonlinear and generalized linear), multivariate analyses, time series, statistical process control methods, survival analysis, spatial analysis and resampling methods. The strengths of Genstat® are ANOVA algorithm which analyses balanced multi-level data, the efficient REML algorithm which analyses multi-level data, allowing for correlated errors at any level of the data and good facilities for GLMs.
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