PrimerPlex - 多重PCR引物设计软件
多重PCR检测用于基因表达分析(使用凝胶电泳的终点检测)、高通量SNP应用(例如基因分型)、下一代测序所需的目标富集、病原体检测、菌株分型和单倍体分型。PrimerPlex还为高通量SNP基因分型分析设计了理想等位基因特异性捕获探针和等位基因特异性引物延伸 (ASPE) 引物。
使用PrimerPlex,您可以设计SNP侧翼的多重PCR引物、3' 端具有SNP的ASPE引物以及捕获中心具有SNP的探针。PrimerPlex使您能够通过为每个突变设计寡核苷酸来检测中等大小基因组序列的全部突变。检查这些引物和探针的多重性,并显示可能的理想集合。
设计适用于多重检测的引物组可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。PrimerPlex使用专有算法来设计多重引物组,很大限度地减少 Tm错配。分析全部组的交叉反应性以确保特异性和有效扩增。您可以从以各种可排序顺序呈现的替代列表中选择适合您的实验需求的集合。使用PrimerPlex,您可以灵活地设计引物的3'末端、5'末端、距这些末端的指定距离或序列内的任意位置。
添加MagPlex TAG
该程序现在还支持MagPlex TAGs数据库以及MicroPlex xTAGs(以前称为FlexMAP TAGs),以便为每个ASPE引物自动添加适当的标签。这些标签的选择使得它们可以很大限度的减少二聚化。并且不会在它们所连接的寡核苷酸上折叠起来。此外,用户可以覆盖程序的推荐并自行选择标签。如果标签不是unique或者选择的标签与寡核苷酸不兼容,PrimerPlex会提醒用户。
对于Windows | 需要 | 推荐 |
CPU | Pentium IV 1.80 GHz | Intel Core i3 (3rd Gen) |
内存 | 1GB可用RAM | 2GB或更高的可用RAM |
硬盘空间 | 500MB可用硬盘 | 1GB可用硬盘 |
屏幕分辨率 | 800×600 | 1024×768 |
Windows支持的平台:XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
Oligo Design for Multiplex PCR & High Throughput SNP Genotyping and Analysis
PrimerPlex is an efficient and sophisticated tool for designing oligos for multiplex assays. Multiplex assays facilitate amplification of multiple targets in a single reaction vessel, reducing both the time and cost of experimentation.
Primer design for multiplex PCR presents several challenges which include primer dimers, inability to separate amplicons with similar electrophoretic mobility and mis-priming due to nonspecific binding to non-target DNA templates. PrimerPlex uses proprietary algorithms to design optimal multiplex primer sets under uniform reaction conditions for over 100 sequences. The primer sets are identified after screening all the primers in a pool and minimizing Tm mismatches to ensure specific amplification and high signal strength. In this process, it analyzes millions of possible multiplex primer sets in a few seconds and presents a list of alternate sets. You can specify minimum product size differences amongst the set of designed primer pairs for better visualization of bands on a gel. To assure primer specificity, primers can be BLAST searched from PrimerPlex against any of the genomic databases available at NCBI.
For SNP genotyping studies, PrimerPlex designs SNP flanking primers. The result includes a primer pair for each DNA template with product size, annealing temperature and other physio-chemical oligo properties. A graphical display of secondary structures is also available to help ascertain if they would impede the reaction.
The multiplex PCR assays are used for gene expression analysis (end point detection using gel electrophoresis), for high throughput SNP applications such as genotyping, for target enrichment required in Next Generation Sequencing, pathogen detection, strain typing, and haplotyping. PrimerPlex additionally designs optimal allele specific capture probes and Allele Specific Primer Extension (ASPE) primers for high throughput SNP genotyping assays.
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