Chenomx NMR Suite - 代谢组学解决方案
· 好消息:ChenomxV10.1中的新增功能给客户带来了福利
· 来看看如何使用Chenomx Compound Builder模块来分析化合物?
Chenomx NMR Suite结合了复杂的化学和高等算法,可通过广泛的代谢物光谱模型库识别和量化NMR光谱中的代谢物。
Chenomx NMR分析软件可与综合光谱参考库一起使用,在一个集成的工作流程中识别和测量NMR光谱中可见化合物的浓度。该软件提供浓度测量、识别和光谱去卷积。
Chenomx NMR分析软件光谱参考库是根据通过NMR分析获得的数千个参考光谱开发的,用于识别和比较目的。参考库的pH值范围为4到9,NMR场强范围为400MHz到800MHz。
Chenomx NMR分析软件通过将光谱参考库“拟合”到实验光谱中的适当信号来发挥作用。该软件会自动调整参考库以反映样品和采集条件(pH、NMR场强、谱线宽度),并允许用于调整峰强度和位置以获得微调的浓度值。
以下是Chenomx NMR Suite的核心模块:
Processor模块可以让您将各种NMR光谱导入Chenomx NMR Suite。它还提供清理和校准这些光谱所需的标准处理工具,以便您可以使用Profiler模块更轻松、更准确地分析它们。
Library Manager
Library Manager模块让您管理可用于Chenomx NMR Suite中全部其他模块的化合物集。这包括您使用Compound Builder创建的自定义化合物,以及全部标准Chenomx参考化合物。
Spin Simulator
Spin Simulator模块允许您基于一些理论细节来模拟整个复合签名。只需设置一个磁体频率,然后开始求解耦合关系并测量 j 值常数,同时您的仿真会实时自我更新!
Compound Builder
Compound Builder模块允许您创建自己的自定义化合物签名,并包含定量信息。然后可以在Profiler中分析样本时使用这些签名。
Batch Functions
批量处理显著减少了大样本量的处理时间。批量导入/批量处理将处理步骤应用于样本组;而Batch Fit/Batch Edit将来自单个光谱的分析化合物应用于整批光谱,以减少分析时间。然后,添加星星、别针和颜色进行标记。
Spectral Binning
Spectral Binning模块通过将光谱划分为一系列ppm区域或bin来减少变量的数量;随后的分析涉及这些箱的综合区域,而不是原始光谱数据。
- COMPLETE Autofit
Chenomx NMR Suite目前支持以下格式的原始数据:
Agilent (fid)
Bruker (fid)
JEOL (.jdf)
NMRPipe (.fid)
Agilent (phasefile)
Bruker (1r)
JEOL (.jdf)
NMRPipe (.ft2)
JCAMP-DX (.jdx, version 5.1 and higher)
Mestrelab MNOVA
Chenomx NMR Suite的第10版引入了COMPLETE Autofit:一种能够对全处理的光谱进行全自动分析的新工具。
COMPLETE Autofit是一款全新的自动迭代档案器,它可以执行多种并行方法来完成NMR光谱的自动拟合,然后确定低的统计误差,并提供“BEST”拟合。
- 重新引入旧版Autofit(8.6及更早版本)
- 添加富马酸盐和马来酸盐作为内标。
- 改进的复合峰簇自动定位
- 可重复使用的基线断点位置
- 以二进制和TXT格式批量导出光谱数据
- 以JCAMP格式批量导出
1. 细胞培养
2. 食物和营养
3. 药物代谢
4. 生物标志物发现
发现新的生物标志物一直是临床研究人员了解疾病机制并帮助治疗这些疾病的目标。NMR不只提供了一种涵盖各种分子类型的分析方法,而且与 Chenomx技术相结合,随着对样品中成分的鉴定和量化的发现,该技术变得更加有价值。Chenomx拥有多年设计实验、构建诊断模型以及使用临床试验数据验证它们的经验。
Chenomx NMR suite可用于:
Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista(64 位)
Mac OS X 10.14 – 10.10(64 位)
Linux x86(64 位)
Chenomx NMR Suite只适用于64位操作系统,因为Java不再支持32位体系结构。
Chenomx NMR Suite combines sophisticated chemistry and advanced algorithms to identify and quantify metabolites in NMR spectra with an extensive library of spectral models of metabolites.
Used by Metabolomics researchers world-wide, Chenomx NMR Analysis Software works with comprehensive Spectral Reference Libraries to both identify and measure concentrations of compounds visible in the NMR spectra, all in one integrated workflow. This patented software offers best-in-class concentration measurement, identification and advanced de-convolution of spectra.
The Chenomx NMR Analysis SoftwareSpectral Reference Libraries are developed from thousands of reference spectra obtained through NMR analysis and used for identification and comparison purposes. The Reference Libraries are available from pH 4 through 9 and NMR field strengths from 400 MHz through 800 MHz.
Chenomx NMR Analysis Software functions by 'fitting' the Spectral Reference Library to the appropriate signals within the experimental spectrum. The software automatically adjusts the Reference Library to reflect the sample and acquisition conditions (pH, NMR field strength, spectra line width) and allows the used to adjust peak intensity and location for fine-tuned concentration values.
After the experimental signal has been fit, the spectrum's residual line is exposed. The profiling software will compare more compounds from the Spectral Reference Library to isolate and identify the remaining signals.
Core Modules
The 'Processor' module lets you import a wide variety of NMR spectra into Chenomx NMR Suite. It also provides the standard processing tools needed to clean up and calibrate those spectra, so that you can more easily and accurately analyze them using the Profiler module.
The 'Profiler' module lets you identify and quantify the contents of your mixture spectrum by comparing it to a compound library with hundreds of reference signatures.
Library Manager
The 'Library Manager' module lets you manage sets of compounds that are available to all other modules in Chenomx NMR Suite. This includes any custom compounds that you've created with Compound Builder, as well as all of the standard Chenomx Reference Compounds.
Spin Simulator
The 'Spin Simulator' module allows you to simulate an entire compound signature based on a few theoretical details. Just set a magnet frequency, then start solving coupling relationships and measuring j-value constants while your simulation updates itself in real time!
Professional Version Only
Compound Builder
The 'Compound Builder' module allows you to create your own custom compound signatures, complete with full quantitative information. These signatures can then be used when analyzing samples in Profiler.
Batch Functions
Batching significantly reduces processing time for large sample sizes. Batch Import/Batch Process applies processing steps to groups of samples; while Batch Fit/Batch Edit applies profiled compounds from a single spectra to an entire batch of spectra to reduce profiling time. Then, add stars, pins, and colors for labelling.
Spectral Binning
Binning reduces the number of variables by dividing spectra into a series of ppm regions, or bins; subsequent analysis involves the integrated area of these bins instead of the raw spectral data
All-new Automatic Iterative Profiler that performs numerous, parallel approaches to a complete autofit of your NMR spectra and generates multiple CNX files with a recommended‘BEST’ fit.
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